elections.il.gov Register to Vote : Illinois State Board
Organisation : State Board of Elections
Facility : Register to Vote
State : Illinois
Country : United States
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Register to Vote : https://ova.elections.il.gov/
Home Page : https://www.elections.il.gov/Default.aspx
Online Voter Registration :
To vote In Illinois :
** You must be a United States Citizen.
** You must be 17 years old on or before the date of the Primary Election and turn 18 on or before the date of the General Election.
Related :
Illinois State Board Check Status & Find Your Polling Place : www.electionin.org/870.html
** You must live in your election precinct at least 30 days prior to Election Day.
** Not be convicted and in jail.
** Not claim the right to vote anywhere else.
How do I Register to Vote? :
** Online Voter Registration Application
** Registering to Vote in Illinois(pamphlet)
** Illinois Voter Registration Application Form(English)
** Illinois Voter Registration Application Form(Spanish)
** Registration Federal Postcard
** Find Your Election Authorities Mailing Address
How do I Update my Existing Voter Registration? :
** Online Voter Registration Application
** Registering to Vote in Illinois(pamphlet)
** Illinois Voter Registration Application Form(English)
** Illinois Voter Registration Application Form(Spanish)
** Registration Federal Postcard
** Find Your Election Authorities Mailing Address
Voting On Election Day :
** Regular elections are held on the third Tuesday in March (primary) and the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November (general) of even-numbered years.
** In odd-numbered years, some jurisdictions have a primary on the last Tuesday in February and all jurisdictions have an election on the first Tuesday of April (consolidated).
** The polls are open from 6 a.m. – 7 p.m. Each voter must vote at his/her precinct polling place.
** Check your polling place location with the election authority for your jurisdiction.
** Prior to Election Day, voters should familiarize themselves with their voting rights and related voter information.
** Each jurisdiction selects a voting system from among the systems that have been tested and certified for use in Illinois by the State Board of Elections.
** Each voter is entitled to receive instruction on the use of the voting equipment.
** Disabled voters may receive assistance in voting either from the election judges or from a person of the voter’s choice.
** Voters whose registration is active at their residence will receive a full ballot which includes all offices and public requests applicable to that address.
** Voters who have moved and not updated their registration record should check with their election authority (county clerk or board of election commissioners) to determine what ballot they may receive on Election Day.
** If a voter’s name doesn’t appear on the official voter list or if his/her vote is successfully challenged, he may cast a provisional ballot .
** A voter who casts a provisional ballot may check the status of that ballot to determine whether it was tabulated.
** Candidates, political parties and civic organizations are entitled to appoint pollwatchers to observe the conduct of procedures in the polling place.
** Voters also play a key role in helping guarantee fair elections by reporting fraudulent activities in or near the polling place.