Register Political Party : Electoral Commission Queensland
Organisation : Electoral Commission Queensland
Facility : Registering a Political Party
Applicable For : Candidates & Parties
State : Queensland
Country : Australia
Registration Form :
Home Page :
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ECQ Registering a Political Party
The register of political parties provides information on all registered parties in Queensland and is maintained by ECQ. In order to remain registered, political parties must demonstrate compliance with all legislative requirements.
Related : ECQ Queensland Electronic Disclosure System :
If the registered officer of a political party fails to comply with these requirements, the Electoral Commissioner has authority to cancel the party registration.
Amendments to the Register
Amendments to the political party register requires a formal application to change the register.
Political parties may apply to amend the following :
** political party name
** register an abbreviation
** change the name of the appointed Registered Officer.
Registration Requirements
The party must satisfy all of the following eligibility criteria to register :
** provide a written constitution which outlines the party aims and complies with the Electoral Act 1992
** has at least 500 members on the electoral roll or an elected member of parliament
** promotes and endorses the election of a candidate to Queensland parliament.
Candidates are the people who run for an election. Successfully elected candidates represent the community, as a member of parliament when elected at a state election, or as a Mayor or Councillor when elected at a local government election.
To nominate as a candidate you must be :
** at least 18 years old
** an Australian citizen
** enrolled on the Queensland electoral roll (state elections)
** reside and be enrolled in the local government area (local elections).
It is not the role or responsibility of ECQ or the returning officer to give advice regarding the eligibility of a candidate.
Should you be in any doubt on your eligibility you should seek independent legal advice.
Information on disqualifications is available in the documents below:
** Parliament of Queensland Act 2001, section 64 (state elections)
** City of Brisbane Act 2010, section 153 (Brisbane City Council only)
** Local Government Act 2009, section 153 (all other local government elections)
Nomination Deposit
A $250.00 deposit must be paid at the time of nomination. For state nomination the deposit can be paid by cash or bank cheque only. Nominations for local elections can be paid by cash, bank cheque, credit card or eftpos (in person at ECQ head office only). Personal cheques will not be accepted under any circumstances.
Nomination deposits will only be refunded to candidates who :
** withdraw consent to the nomination before 12noon on the day of nomination closure
** are successfully elected
** receive 6% (state) or 4% (local) of the formal first preference votes in their nominated area.
Group of Candidates
Candidates nominating for local government elections are able to register as a group. A group of candidates can be formed to promote the election of the candidates; or to share in the benefits of fundraising to promote the election of the candidates.