vec.vic.gov.au Electoral Roll : Victorian Electoral Commission Australia

Organisation : Victorian Electoral Commission
Facility : Electoral Roll
Country : Australia
Territory : Victoria

Electoral Roll : http://www.vec.vic.gov.au/Enrolment/TheElectoralRoll.html
Home Page : http://www.vec.vic.gov.au/Default.html

The electoral roll :
The register of electors is a list of the names and addresses of people who are eligible to vote in elections.

When an election is called, a date is set for the ‘close of roll’. On that date a snapshot is taken of the register of electors, which becomes the roll for that election. People often refer to the register of electors as the ‘electoral roll’.

When you vote your name is checked against the roll to ensure that :
** you are voting for the region, district or local council that is applicable for your address
** everyone who is enrolled votes and that
** no person votes multiple times.

Who has access to the electoral roll? :
You can view the electoral roll at the VEC’s head office.

In addition, the Electoral Act 2002 (the Act) requires the VEC to make certain information available to stakeholders such as political parties, Members of Parliament and candidates.

The Act also allows the VEC to make information available to certain individuals and organisations. This may occur if, in the circumstance presented, the public interest in providing the requested information outweighs the public interest in protecting the privacy of personal information. This decision is made by the Victorian Electoral Commissioner, after consultation with the Privacy Commissioner.

In some cases, marketing companies may tell you that they obtained your details from the electoral roll. Prior to 2002 the roll was available for sale and some companies may still be using this out-dated document.

For more information about who has access to the electoral roll please see our Privacy and enrolment information page.

Is the roll available online? :
The electoral roll is available online so that you can check your own enrolment. You cannot browse the roll online. Please visit Check my enrolment for further information.

How can I access the roll? :
The electoral roll can be viewed at the VEC’s head office during business hours.

Can someone be removed from the roll? :
People can be removed from the electoral roll if certain conditions apply :
Someone has died :
When someone dies in Victoria, the VEC is notified by the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages and they are removed from the roll. When someone dies outside Victoria, their next of kin will need to provide a copy of the death certificate to be removed from the roll.

Someone is serving a prison sentence :
Anyone serving a prison sentence of five or more years is removed from the roll and is eligible to re-enrol upon release. If a person is serving a prison sentence of three to five years, they are removed from the Federal roll but not the State roll. They are still enrolled and entitled to vote in State and local council elections, but will need to re-enrol upon release to participate in Federal elections.

Someone is incapable :
You can apply to remove a person’s name from the roll if that person is incapable of understanding the nature and significance of enrolment and voting. Their doctor must verify this by completing a No longer capable form.

Someone has incorrect or inaccurate details :
A person can be removed from the roll if they are enrolled for an address that is not their principal place of residence. In most cases this is because they have changed their address and have not updated their enrolment. This makes them ineligible to vote and they may face a fine.

Can I buy a copy of the electoral roll? :
The electoral roll is no longer published nor made available for sale to the public

Categories: Australia
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