Australian Democrats Party : Apply For Membership

Organisation : Australian Democrats Party
Election Name : Apply For Membership
Country : Australia
Website : https://www.democrats.org.au/

How To Apply For Australian Democrats Party?

Join our party the Australian Democrats are back. Join us today.
Step-1 : Go to the above link
Step-2 : Click on the link “Join (Become a member)”
Step-3 : Read the Membership description and click “Join here” button
Step-4 : Choose your membership type
Step-5 : In membership details form enter your details

Related / Similar Facilities : Australian Citizens Party : Apply For Membership

Step-6 : And proceed the form to complete and apply for membership.

We negotiated fair and lasting reform and thousands of our amendments were passed into law. We initiated Senate inquiries that delivered major change. We established parliamentary processes to strengthen the role of the Senate as a proper house of review.
We took on the big issues:
** succeeded in making the GST fairer by having it removed from fresh food, health and education
** permanently linked pensions to wage growth
** initiated the bill that removed the veto over RU486 (the medical alternative to surgical abortion)
** strengthened the Sexual Discrimination Act
** removed discrimination in superannuation against same-sex couples

Health Principles Of Australian Democrats Party

The principles of health equity must be embedded in all aspects of government policy, by developing structures and processes that support equity and address the social determinants of health.
** Dr Craig Richards, Democrats spokesperson for health
** New investment in public health interventions that address the primary contributors to the burden of chronic disease including alcohol misuse, smoking, poor nutrition, low levels of physical activity and obesity
** Initiatives that address food insecurity and enable equitable access to nutritious and fresh food
** Reform of the Health Star rating system, to include mandatory Health Stars on all food to encourage healthier food choices.
** Increased and targeted investment into local sporting facilities and programs that facilitate community-centric physical activity.
** The establishment of rural and remote health registries to support robust health data collection.
** Increase investment into digital and telehealth services
** Reinforce and expand digital infrastructure to support telehealth, especially for rural and remote communities
** Permanently include telehealth services on the MBS schedule

Environment Principles Of Australian Democrats Party

** Increase protection of land and marine areas in the National Reserve System to 30 percent (from the current 19.75 percent)
** Build a network of inter-connected and biodiverse National Parks and make them more accessible to people
** Ensure all ecosystems are represented in protected areas
** Promote the use of plantation timber and fibre crops instead of cutting down remaining native forests
** Stop further land-clearing
** Target cleared or degraded land for revegetation

Categories: Australia
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