check.aec.gov.au Check Your Enrolment : Electoral Commission Queensland

Organization : Electoral Commission Queensland
Facility : Check Your Enrolment
Country : Australia
State : Queensland
Website : https://check.aec.gov.au/

Check Your Enrolment :

** You can check your enrolment to ensure your details are correct and find out where you are registered to vote.

Related : How to Vote Electoral Commission Queensland : www.electionin.org/2262.html

** When you enrol your name and address is added to the electoral roll; this is a list of all people eligible to vote in an election. A copy of the Queensland electoral roll is available for public inspection at ECQ head office.

** Access to the Commonwealth electoral roll can be arranged through the Australian Electoral Commission.

Eligibility requirements :
It is compulsory to enrol and vote in local, state and federal elections if you :
** have turned 16, however you will not be eligible to vote until you are 18;
** are an Australian citizen or eligible British subject; and
** have lived at your address for at least 1 month.

Check Enrolment :
** For privacy reasons, your electoral enrolment will only be confirmed if the details you enter are an exact match to your details on the electoral roll.

** If you cannot confirm your electoral enrolment online it doesn’t mean you are not on the electoral roll. Please contact the AEC and we can check your enrolment details.

** If you have recently completed an enrolment form please allow a few days for the AEC to receive your form, process it and update the electoral roll.

If you recently enrolled or changed your address online you can check the progress of your enrolment by using the receipt number you were provided with.

** Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required. See the help page for assistance.

To check you enrolment please enter the below details,
1. Given name/s – (e.g. Michael John)
2. *Family name – (e.g. Jones)
3. *Postcode

4. *Suburb or Locality
5. *Street name
6. Verification code (CAPTCHA) – Change the CAPTCHA codeSpeak the CAPTCHA code, Please enter the above verification code, which is not case sensitive.

7. *Verification code
8. Click on the Verify enrolment buttton

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