elections.eg Parliament Election 2nd Round 21st to 22nd November 2015 : High Elections Committee Egypt

Organisation : High Elections Committee
Facility : Parliament Election 2nd Round
Country : Egypt

Parliament Election 2nd Round/ Home Page : https://www.elections.eg/

Date : 2015-11-21
Second Phase Voting Outside the Arab Republic of Egypt :
Second Phase Voting Outside the Arab Republic of Egypt in the following governorates:Cairo, Qalioubeia, Daqahleia, Monoufeia, Gharbeia, Kafr ElSheikh, Sharqeia, Damietta, Port Said, Ismaileia, Suez, North Sinai, South Sinai

Date : 2015-11-22
Second Phase Voting In the Arab Republic of Egypt :
Second Phase Voting In the Arab Republic of Egypt in the following governorates:Cairo, Qalioubeia, Daqahleia, Monoufeia, Gharbeia, Kafr ElSheikh, Sharqeia, Damietta, Port Said, Ismaileia, Suez, North Sinai, South Sinai

Second Phase Voting Outside the Arab Republic of Egypt :
Second Phase Voting Outside the Arab Republic of Egypt in the following governorates:Cairo, Qalioubeia, Daqahleia, Monoufeia, Gharbeia, Kafr ElSheikh, Sharqeia, Damietta, Port Said, Ismaileia, Suez, North Sinai, South Sinai

Date : 2015-11-23
Second Phase Voting In the Arab Republic of Egypt :
Second Phase Voting In the Arab Republic of Egypt in the following governorates:Cairo, Qalioubeia, Daqahleia, Monoufeia, Gharbeia, Kafr ElSheikh, Sharqeia, Damietta, Port Said, Ismaileia, Suez, North Sinai, South Sinai

The counting procedures :
** Who has the right to attend the counting process and the announcement of allotted counts?
** The counting process is conducted at the subcommittee headquarters.
** If necessary, counting is transferred out of the sub-committee headquarters upon the decision of the General Committee chair after coordinating with HEC.
** Delegates and agents of individual candidates, delegates and agents of the representatives of lists, observers from local and international civil society organizations, visitors, and media personnel holding an HEC permit can all attend and follow up the counting process.
** If their number exceeds the maximum limit to smoothly conduct the counting process, the sub-committee chair holds a draw to choose three from each category to attend the counting process.
** Those chosen are not permitted to leave the voting station until counting process is over.

How to count:
** The Sub-committee chair determines the number of voters who cast their votes by counting those who signed on the voters’ registers.
** He then counts unused cards and counter checks it with the number of cards handed to him at the beginning of voting after subtracting the number of cards used in the voting process.
** The sub-committee chair decides the boxes of the system he will start counting first, double checks the number of plastic locks comparing them with those documented in record of the committee procedures and then unlocks them.
** The counting process begins by emptying the box’s content of the ballots displaying to the audience that it became empty.
** The box’s cards are counted making sure they conform to the number of voters who cast their votes in the register signed by the committee secretary next to the voter’s signature.
** Cards are sorted into two groups, valid and void.
** The card is valid if the required number of candidates was marked by a sing indicating the will of the voter.

The card shall be void in the following cases:
** Pre-conditioned vote;
** Voting for a number of candidates less or more than the number of candidates specified in the individual system, or voting for more than one list;
** If the voter casts his opinion on anything other than the voting card given to him by the sub-committee chair;
** If the voter has signed the voting paper, or put out any signal or a sign indicating who he is or breeching the confidentiality of the vote.
** If a voter marks does not indicate which candidate or list he has chosen;
** If a voter does not put any sign indicating his opinion on the voting card;
** If a voter marks the voting card using a pencil.

In the individual system :
** After excluding of invalid votes, valid votes obtained by each individual candidate are counted.
** Form 11N shall be used for the counting and compilation of what each candidate got.
** The sum of all the candidates in the individual system should equal to the number of valid votes times the number of candidates to be elected.
** Record of the counting procedures for the individual system (Form 12N) is written down in which the number of voters registered with the sub-committee, the number of those who cast their votes, number of void votes, number of valid votes and the number of votes each candidate has obtained are documented.

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